Friday, December 7, 2007

#8 & #9, week 4


I've learned a lot more about a lot of things related to RSS feeds.

I've also learned that technology (or is it access to technology at AC) is not my friend. Access to blogger & bloglines has been patchy at best today, and at worst, it has taken several minutes and several new net sessions to access either. I have been able to access each two or three pages times per session at most before it crashes again. Fortunately I have decided to rise above the technological torture, and pretend that it is just current net conditions rather than the bloglines website. Noooo, it's just bloglines...

This is my fifth attempt now to create the link to my RSS feeds on bloglines to post here due to the endless crashings out (technical term) so I **really** hope this works...

Why not - of course not... so I'll try again...

Nope. I give up. No, wait... now it maps to the right page; I have 20+ feeds, but have marked all but a couple as private... honest...

That said, some basic stuff I looked for on bloglines that isn't there or isn't working makes me think I'll spend time checking out other (different? better? more compatible with AC firewall/telco conditions?) RSS options. One basic I look for is a setup to automatically email me at an interval I determing (once a day, odd days, weekly... whatever) summarizing new info availability for my feeds. There seemed to be some version of this at bloglines, but when I click on the link, there is no information on the page...? Joys of a beta site maybe?


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hang in there Charlie, some days the connection is really slow @ work and others, like today, it is fast. Don't forget about thing 7