Thursday, December 13, 2007

#18 (week 8)


I think the real potential of, and potentially enjoying, the site was significantly reduced by internet access speed.

I have my own (work PC based) word/excel etc moderately customised, and would probably want to do quite a lot of customisation of the offered basic templates on Zoho to make it attractive to me to use on anything like a regular basis, but... The grind of the wheels working when any sort of formatting command was used makes me feel that middle of the afternoon is not a good time to try personalising my stuff on Zoho... I may dip back in early one morning, or late in the evening when the central city has emptied out and the internet speeds up.

I like the concept of the availability of the applications wherever one is, and emailing a link to zoho for all to access rather than emailing material, but I'm thinking about whether this would be a better, worse, or just different way to work with shared files, compared to using wiki-functionality, or inhouse, storing of files on a shared drive, with tracking turned on...

I did browse through other bits of the stuff about features, but didn't recognise things that I have used or immediately thought 'wow' about - so will take some time to work through what these things might offer me later on.

Hmm, stuff to ponder at some stage...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Fair enough comment